Let’s help Tita Tita spread the facts about Eggs! It’s time to crack Maritis Maritis’ myths!
An Eggcellent Facts and Debunking Myths Series
There’s a lot of mystery surrounding eggs, let’s debunk them here at Mga Kwento sa Brgy. Itlugan and discover the truth about eggs.

What’s Not to Love About Eggs?
Budget-friendly, very nutritious and low calorie. Eggs are versatile, they will fill you up with everything good.
The nutrients in eggs play an essential role in weight management, muscle strength, healthy pregnancy, brain function, eye health, baby’s first food and more. An egg a day goes a long way.
So separate the myths from the facts. Don’t hate the eggs, know the facts and love them instead. Egg for the win

The Truth Shall Prevail - Some Facts About Eggs
For the past years, many of us believed that eggs are bad for our health. But did you know, different studies done by different countries and experts proved that egg is a healthy, nutrient-rich food? Fact checked!
Worry no more! You can enjoy eggs everyday and add them to your healthy-balanced diet. It’s okay to be shocked, but never doubt the power of eggs!

What is LODI Ang Itlog
LODI Ang ltlog is a campaign to fight protein malnutrition in the Philippines.
It is composed of members of the private egg sectors and various agri-organizations that help for the health and food security of the country. This includes support from LGUs and the IATF on Zero Hunger.
The campaign aims to strengthen the egg diet of the entire people. Adding eggs to the family's dining table will help to achieve a healthy Philippines.
Based on new studies, eggs are packed with various vitamins and minerals that our body needs.

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Discover the great benefits of eggs. It’s good for you.
Great for the whole family.

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Watch All Our
Online Shows.
We have a wide array of shows for you!
Dance, play games and learn health benefits of Eggs
together with Ate Darlyn and Kian in Bidang Egg Kids!
Simple and easy to cook Egg recipes for you and your family in
The LODI Cooking Show with Commander Nene Tamayo.
Know the Facts and Myths about Eggs in the comic antics of Tita Tita and Maritis Maritis in Mga Kwento sa Batangay Itlugan.